Event Details

Plus ça change? Continuity and change in social attitudes and worldviews in 21st Century Brazil

LSE Sir Arthur Lewis Building (SAL.LG.04) and on Zoom

Refreshments served at 12.15pm before seminar commences at 12:30pm. 

Dr Fabrício Mendes Fialho, Research Fellow, LSE III
Alberto C. Almeida, Director, Brasilis Institute

In the 21st century, Brazil has undergone rapid changes in societal attitudes towards key issues such as religiosity, race relations, and gender. At the same time, attitudes towards the rule of law and the 'Brazilian knack' have remained steady over recent decades. In this seminar, we will discuss findings from two large-scale national social surveys conducted in 2002 and 2023 to map out the paths of values change in Brazil over the past two decades.

For online attendance please register here: https://lse.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrfuCsrzsrHtO25_2RTkj4rFs0nepU6yqG