III/JRF workshop: When & why is wealth inequality problematic? Can we frame it in ways that grow public & political engagement?

By LSE International Inequalities Institute (other events)

Thursday, May 16 2024 12:00 PM 4:00 PM BST

Co-hosted by the International Inequalities Institute, and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation  

The lack of a settled public understanding of what wealth is, what being rich (and very rich) means, and in what circumstances wealth inequality is unfair provides an opportunity to actively intervene to shape this understanding. 

Speakers from organisations including JRF, Patriotic Millionaires UK, Women's Budget Group, and LSE will introduce two conversations. Conversation 1 will consider views on good and bad wealth, or wealth as a social good and a social bad. Conversation 2 will focus on how wealth inequality features in current frames in other campaigning areas (poverty, race, gender).  

Using these two conversations as a stimulus, we will then begin the process of co-developing a ‘key terms and images toolbox’, and ethical story-telling principles for wealth inequality, which will run throughout the four-part workshop series. This first activity will focus on problem definition as an element of frame-building. 

Full programme available on Thursday 2nd May.

LSE International Inequalities Institute